More than just your muscles

Client Profiles

MATRIX Personalized Fitness tries to recognize their clients for all the hard work they have done.

The Neuners

"What fitness goal are you working towards at MATRIX Personalized Fitness?"

Michelle: My initial thought to joining MATRIX was simply to have an activity that my husband and I could do together. We have different likes and different physical activity needs. I knew Shane with his personalized training program would be perfect for us both. My general goal has always been to keep moving my body in new ways. Specifically, I am working on balance, handstands and improving my tennis skills.

Tony: As I have gotten older, I have become less active. So, I have taken up Tennis late in life. I am enjoying being active again. My workouts with Shane helps me enjoy it even more. Since starting with Shane I am faster, quicker, and much more stable.

"What, in general, does your program at MATRIX PF entail?"

Michelle: My program involves a "Michelle Warm-up" which is specific for my brain/nervous system to get it ready to workout. Because I workout with my hubby and we both play tennis, many of our drills involve working on increasing reaction time, form, and speed. We also do strengthening drills and lots of eye drills. Again, my hubby and I have different abilities and different needs. Somehow, Shane puts together workouts that are challenging for us both.

Tony: Strength and stability training.

"What 'homework,' if any, are you assigned?"

Michelle: My "Michelle Warm-up" is something I can do for my body. I can start each day with it and sometimes I do it as a pick me up in the afternoon.

Tony: I don’t have any homework but I do find myself randomly performing routines I learned from Shane while at work or just when something is bothering me slightly.

"What changes have you noticed since starting at MATRIX PF?"

Michelle: There have been noticeable changes in my vision, focus, strength, balance, and stamina. Hubby and I have more fun challenging and encouraging one another too!

Tony: I have lost some weight and I overall just feel better and healthier in my daily life.

“What would you say to someone else who may be considering signing up at MATRIX PF?”

Michelle: Do it! It will blow your mind how your body/mind can shift and change just by learning some cool skills!

Tony: Give it a try, you can’t lose. You will have more awareness and knowledge about your body from the very first session. I find my workouts to be more of a personal education that makes me sweat.

“What activities can you do now that you couldn’t do before you started at MATRIX PF?”

Michelle: I have to say that I have been afraid of the tennis ball. Especially in the volley position. Since working out at MATRIX I am up at the net volleying away, I'm much faster too.

Tony: I am not very flexible and had to struggle to simply touch my toes. Now it is easy. Sometimes it is the simplest things that are so rewarding.

“Have you used a personal trainer before? If so, how is your experience at MATRIX PF different?”

Michelle: I have for many years. It's important to have strength, and that is what most trainers focus on. MATRIX is different because it is personalized and specific. Not only are you strengthening muscles, but also your brain.

Tony: No.

"What about your workouts at MATRIX PF do you enjoy most?"

Michelle: I love the workouts and I really appreciate Shane's explanations as to why we are doing them.

Tony: I am completely bored and unmotivated at a traditional gym. Workouts with Shane are fun and educational and I look forward to my workout every week. I also workout together with my wife so it is a good way for us to do things together and have a ton of laughs.