More than just your muscles

Client Profiles

MATRIX Personalized Fitness tries to recognize their clients for all the hard work they have done.

Karen Whelan-Berry

"What fitness goal are you working towards at MATRIX Personalized Fitness?"

My two primary goals are 1) to develop a fitness routine and habits to be healthy and active throughout my life, and 2) to lose weight and build my strength. I want to feel energetic and fit for my days, work, and play. I had struggled to develop a routine that resulted in maintained weight loss and built strength. I also train for specific activities, downhill skiing, snorkeling and diving, or yoga. Shane also helped me a develop a routine for when I travel.

"What, in general, does your program at MATRIX PF entail?"

My program entails working out with Shane every other week. Originally, I worked out once a week at times. Shane always asks about and makes sure we work to meet my goals. In a session, we warm up and then do a workout. During this, we both review prior workouts or specific weight-training moves, and we add new ones. For example, last winter I returned to teaching downhill skiing, which I had done many years ago, so one focus this fall is training for the related agility, movement, and strength.

"What 'homework,' if any, are you assigned?"

I have been assigned specific routines to practice, such as a warm-up, band exercises, or free weight or kettle bell movements.  Shane’s videos, which are there if I need them, are helpful if I am unsure or want to review.

"What changes have you noticed since starting at MATRIX PF?"

I feel healthier, stronger, and have more stamina.  As a later-life client, staying active and strong is critical to being active and strong later.  Also, I have lost 10+ pounds, and reduced several body measurements. Finally, succeeding in creating a fitness routine that works for me has been a major positivity boost.

“What would you say to someone else who may be considering signing up at MATRIX PF?”

If you are looking for someone who meets you where you are, hears and works towards your goals, and personalizes your training, Shane is the best.  Expect to work hard and have fun.  I think one of the most important things for me is that Shane has supported my overall goals, as well as specific goals that arose.  Shane goes with my flow, but also reminds me of my overall goals.

“What activities can you do now that you couldn’t do before you started at MATRIX PF?”

I developed a kettle-bell routine that I love, and I can lift more weight.  I have increased stamina. For example, last winter, teaching skiing for 5 hours, or this summer, snorkeling all day in the South Pacific.  I also find as I travel, do home and life projects, or try new activities that I am less prone to injury or strain.

“Have you used a personal trainer before? If so, how is your experience at MATRIX PF different?”

The major difference is that the training is personalized. A few years ago, when I worked with a trainer, I felt I was taught his standard routine, which really wasn’t a fit for me, my point in life, or goals, so I didn’t stick with it at the time.    

"What about your workouts at MATRIX PF do you enjoy most?"

I especially enjoy Shane’s neuro-, holistic approach to fitness, and that I feel supported and challenged. I also appreciate Shane’s wise advice, for example, on doing the sports and activities that I enjoy, as opposed to ones I might choose because they are a good workout.  Another important thing is Shane’s personalized, individual approach, especially when it comes to any prior injuries or tweaky body parts.