More than just your muscles



Diagnostic screens

Is there a specific issue you’ve identified and want some help with? Are you looking to prevent future problems?

At MATRIX, we offer a number of diagnostic screens to help you better understand your current situation and to give you some guidance on the next steps you can take to be healthier, feel better, and get more active.



Injury Prevention Screen (60-minutes, $100)

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Are you looking to increase your physical activity?

If so, you need to consider your risk for injury.

When people decide to get more active, their plans often get derailed by an unexpected injury. These injuries happen because they don't have a clear understanding of their abilities.


This screening will identify the compensations that your body has developed over time. Compensations are the weakness you don't know about now, but rear their ugly heads when you start to push your limits.

We look for compensations in your:

  • Movement Skills

  • Balance System

  • Vision System

By identifying these compensations, you are able to correct them before they become a problem. This will allow you to continue making progress toward your goals without having to backtrack due to injury.


Pain (30-minutes, $55)

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You may not know this, but pain is just an action signal. It’s a conscious output of the brain designed to get you to alter your behavior.

Sometimes, you can attribute your pain to a specific event or injury. This is acute pain. Other times, the pain is fleeting or lingering long past the time it takes tissue to heal. This is chronic pain.

In either case, this diagnostic will help identify what action your nervous system is looking for. You’ll review sensation, range of motion, muscle strength, and tissue restrictions. You’ll leave with simple things to do to help you reduce and/or eliminate your pain.



Balance (30-minutes, $55)


There is way more to balance than being able to stand on one leg. We not only need to be stable when standing still, but also when we’re moving.

There are 3 different systems involved in keeping you stable: proprioceptive (sensation from the joints/muscles), vestibular (your inner ear), and vision. All 3 systems need to work together to ensure that you stay upright in all situations.

This screening will investigate all 3 of these systems and identify where you should focus your training effort. You’ll leave with specific exercises that are tailored to your needs and skills.



MObility (30-minutes, $55)

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Your ability to move defines what you can do in this world. Your ability to move well allows you to do the things you want to do without risk of injury.

Whether you are playing sports, playing with your kids, or just enjoying daily activities, there are basic functional movements that we all need to be capable of performing.

We will screen these basic movements (including your walk) as well as muscular imbalances and other higher-order brain systems to identify simple exercises that will get you moving better quickly.



Vision (30-minutes, $55)


Seeing clearly involves a whole lot more than reading some letters at a 20-foot distance. Your eyes need to be able to jump to and follow targets, look in the distance, look close up, and stay focused during movement.

All of these skills are evident when driving and this vision screening can identify any weaknesses in your skill set and provide you with the exercises to strengthen them.



Full Neuro- Evaluation (90-minutes, $150)

Are you a believer in preventative care?

Then MATRIX’s flagship diagnostic is for you. This evaluation is designed to investigate your entire nervous system, including:

  • The 5 senses (Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing, & Sight)

  • Autonomics (Breathing Mechanics, Heart Rate, & Blood Pressure)

  • Gait (walking) Mechanics

  • Coordination Skills

  • Balance System (Vestibular or Inner Ear)

  • Cranial Nerves (direct insight to the Brain Stem)

  • Muscle Activation

This evaluation doesn’t diagnose clinical conditions but rather identifies the subtle side to side differences that could develop into larger problems if left unaddressed.

It is also a fantastic pre/post screen for concussions. It can provide guidance for both recovery programs and return to activity decisions.

We treat this diagnostic like an annual physical, recommending it to all of our clients on a yearly basis.

You’ll leave with an action plan to help you give your body the stimulus it needs to perform at its best.