More than just your muscles

Client Profiles

MATRIX Personalized Fitness tries to recognize their clients for all the hard work they have done.

Perry Clough


What fitness goal are you working towards at MATRIX Personalized Fitness?

My goal was to regain the fitness level I had about two years ago when I began to experience leg pain and instability. My condition did not improve during months of unsuccessful physical therapy at two facilities that, if anything, made my condition worse. This was due in large measure to their initial diagnoses that the cause of my condition centered on my leg when, in fact, it was in my back. A lumbar fusion in early 2018 successfully addressed the problem.

What, in general, does your program at MATRIX PF entail?

Exercises to improve my range of motion and balance.

What 'homework,' if any, are you assigned?

I was encouraged to do the exercises that I’d learned during a session a home.

What changes have you noticed since starting at MATRIX PF?

Improvements in both my range of motion and balance to the point that they are now where they were two years ago.  I’m satisfied with the improvement.

What would you say to someone else who may be considering signing up at MATRIX PF?

Go for it!

What activities can you do now that you couldn’t do before you started at MATRIX PF?

As indicated earlier, my fitness level is now back to where it was before I first experienced leg pain so my range of activities is also back to that level.

Have you used a personal trainer before? If so, how is your experience at MATRIX PF different?

My experience was essentially the same at the two physical therapy facilities I attended before my surgery.  Their diagnoses during my first visit took all of four or five minutes after which I was immediately shown what I’d call Cookie Cutter exercises in that they were prescribed to folks who exhibited symptoms that were perhaps similar to mine but didn’t take the time to tailor the exercises to my particular situation.

The difference at MATRIX is that they spent a bunch of time trying to figure out exactly what was going on so that the experience was specific to me and my problems.

What about your workouts at MATRIX PF do you enjoy most?

I can’t say that I really enjoyed any of them , but the more recently prescribed range of motion exercises come closest.